"Computer Science is no more about computers than astronomy is about telescopes"
Angels, Demons and Girls.....
Instructions on lifes greatest challenges
Another XKCD-alike comic.
Apple Mac Comic
Kind of like XKCD
Some very interesting projects, including the 80s arcade boxes.
Peter's personal site
This site looks for strange and unusual sites/things on the internet and has some great digital editors who contribute to it.
Comic about Punks and Nerds.... suprisingly
Gizmodo, the gadget guide. So much in love with shiny new toys, it's unnatural.
Internal statistics compiled by the website
A site that holds copies of websites (including mine) over the last 10 years
"...and that's when I tried to buy the horse a prostitute." "I love this guy!"
My Dad's personal website
A webcomic of romance, sarcasm, math and language.
Computer Games and Accessories
Books, Games, CDs
Computer related jokes observed by helpdesk support personnel
Comic about RPG adventures
Ellis's personal shite.
CDs, DVDs, Computer Games, Consoles
Raver Jon's webpage, don't work with Opera though....
Very good site with lots of good photoshop competitions and other weird and wacky stuff.
Statistics gathered from the Klynton.com Server
Tech News
Weekly World News - Alien invasion coming? Get more info here.
Biting the hand that feed IT. Home of the BOFH
Very good comic loosely about gaming.
America's Finest News Source
Qui (Tims) website with lots of amusing quotes taken from various channels on Quakenet IRC.
Computer Parts - Hardware
Lots of funny articles.
User submitted random news stories from around the world.
Business / Tech News
Jon Roberts personel website, not a lot on here at moment though.
BBC News site - Possibly the best news site on the Internet.
Still the best search engine, but is slowly going downhill.
Whois Domaintool evaluation of Klynton.com - full background
Arthur's homepage, marvel at it's fantasticness.......
Creator of Wintereenmas! Very good Web Comic (it has penguins!)
Comic about two guys problems in Japan
Internet Movie Database.
If you like strange sites then this is one you will love, Joel Veitch who runs the sites makes some fantastic flash shockwave files.
Dayve 'DrPerline' Lloyds site.
Apple Fan comic
Indie based comic
High End Computer Hardware
Computer Hardware / Software
Visitor Stats gathered by 3rd Party Company
VG Cats - Video Gaming Cats Comic.