Posted by Klynton on May 08, 2004 - 04:10 PM
8/05/04 Well what have I been doing lately lets see. Exams, not good fun, today gonna do a bit more work to my final project before the presentation, hopefully make it super exciting to look at. Doubtful.
Posted by Klynton on Apr 30, 2004 - 07:50 PM
30/04/04 Bastards had run out of flags! And run out of T-shirts, had to make do with two glasses. Not good. Anyway, should be revising for exams, guess updates will be a little slim from now on.
Posted by Klynton on Apr 29, 2004 - 10:40 AM
29/04/04 Right, today my efforts to get a free Carling flag will be accomplished. And the counter should be set up to count 'unique visitors' from any page on the site, also later on today I hope to have the fan mail section finished. And, if I can be bothered, make the front page a bit neater.
Posted by Klynton on Apr 26, 2004 - 04:45 PM
26/04/04 Updated all the stat counters, these new ones hold alot of data and really get to know the visitors, hopefully will get a proper nice looking guest book by the next update and maybe a forum.
Posted by Klynton on Apr 22, 2004 - 06:50 PM
22/04/04 Back in Hull, probably going to goto the gym today (got to keep fit). The coputer was complaining when I got back as it had no psace left on the hard drive, so many files deleted later and it was up and running. Appears that Coddy managed to ban our ISP from Quakenet IRC, and he received personal recognition which was rather an achievement.
"ISP glined due to widespread network abuse from user "Coddy" (Q account *******. Please cease your abuse. Gline expires in 1 day.."
Only a one day ban so not all that impressive for him though. Hmmm lots of cider left on the desk..... drink before gym? Could be a bad plan but neymind.
Posted by Klynton on Apr 15, 2004 - 05:45 PM
15/04/04 Updated my lease on the domain name to extend another 5 years, 5 years of unadulterated fun with, you lucky lucky people. And confirmed hosting with a better company which allows for more stuff. Also mundane things done today include tweaking this computer for batter performance and other things you do when you visit the parents. Mailed the forms off to transfer DNS server names, so hopefully the new hosting company will take over in a week or so. The real updates will begin in another week when I get back to my ADSL connection. 56Kb connection is just to slow to update 25MB worth of site, well unless I fancy waiting over 5 hours for it to finish.
wow no updates in a very long time well lets make up for this. Firstly yes I called it a diary, I detest the web 'blog' culture thing and will continue to call it a diary. However will celebrate 2 years of being online in July. Maybe I will throw a party!
Posted by Klynton on Jun 15, 2002 - 10:55 PM
15/06/02 Went into Manchester to see the England game....... oh yeah who's the best..... Bought a flag I was that happy. The atmosphere in Manchester was amazing. Scanned in all of my Star Wars toys as well. Any thing else? No shouldn't mention the sex slaves here........
Posted by Klynton on Jun 11, 2002 - 10:05 AM
11/06/02 Started to sort through aload of old floppy disks I've had in a drawer for quite some time (about 300 hundred in there). Was re-united with classics such as Windows (no version number, the original), Lemmings, Populous 2, Speed ball 2........ the list goes on and on. And today I uploaded this new site (hopefully).
Posted by Klynton on Jun 08, 2002 - 08:50 AM
08/06/02 Woohoo it went though, I just needed to make something to upload then, so a few hours was spent making the shoddy shite (or should it be site?) that was there.
Posted by Klynton on Jun 06, 2002 - 02:45 PM
06/06/02 Applied for, was pretty confident thst it would go though ok as Klynton.* (anything) was available, although was gone (some random American firm bought it and have not put anything up yet....... strange).