23/11/04 Well as any anyone who has visited over the last few days will be aware, my webhost had some problems. Meaning that the hard drive that this site was stored on died a dramatic death, and they had no back-up data for the files. So over the last few days I have been reuploading the original files. Everything should be back as it should be, however if you see any dead links or differences please let me know. Also the data for the forum was lost, so I have recreated it, and am setting up an auto backup function at the moment.
So what have I been doing? As you can see from the picture [4] it has been snowing here. Which was very nice, lots better than the 2.5 days of rain that preceeded it. However the snow has now melted due to persistant rain. Nice while it lasted.
Also the more excitable people will have noticed that now every time you load a page up it displays a random quote. Think there are about 50 different ones, I'll add more as I find, or make them.