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Articles: Prague and beyond

Posted by Klynton on Dec 03, 2007 - 10:55 PM


Well it's been some time since the last update, so where have I been?

Prague - Click for pictures.

Yes away on another holiday, 2nd one in three weeks (well contractor so take them when you can). Lots of fun times and, somewhat unsurprisingly, drunk times. I may do a more in depth write-up on some nights out, but for now we'll leave it unsaid.

Pictures will be up soon(ish), hoping to get all of them from the others who accompanied me. So they'll go up in the relevant section...

... but as you can imagine it was a great holiday.

We stayed in an unbelievably posh hotel (The Hilton), which had about every mod con you could ask for (including a dial in the shower room so you could listen to the TV while getting ready in the morning).

Free drinks, coffee, tea (and such tea, a vast range), mineral water, hot chocolates.... all filled up each time you left the room (as it by magic).

Also towards the end of the stay we were presented with a fruit bowl and a bottle of wine as 'long stay guests', easy to do and just makes you feel more inclined to go back.

The taxi driver to and from the airport was a little 'worrying' to say the least, thought we were going to hit a lot of things on way there... guess that's the style there.