
Articles [1]: Renewed for another season [2]

Posted by Klynton on Apr 15, 2004 - 05:45 PM

Updates [3]

15/04/04 Updated my lease on the domain name to extend another 5 years, 5 years of unadulterated fun with Klynton.com, you lucky lucky people. And confirmed hosting with a better company which allows for more stuff. Also mundane things done today include tweaking this computer for batter performance and other things you do when you visit the parents. Mailed the forms off to transfer DNS server names, so hopefully the new hosting company will take over in a week or so. The real updates will begin in another week when I get back to my ADSL connection. 56Kb connection is just to slow to update 25MB worth of site, well unless I fancy waiting over 5 hours for it to finish.

wow no updates in a very long time well lets make up for this. Firstly yes I called it a diary, I detest the web 'blog' culture thing and will continue to call it a diary. However Klynton.com will celebrate 2 years of being online in July. Maybe I will throw a party!
  1. https://klynton.com/https://klynton.com/index.php?module=News&func=view&prop=Main&cat=10005
  2. https://klynton.com/https://klynton.com/index.php?module=News&func=display&sid=50
  3. https://klynton.com/https://klynton.com/index.php?module=News&func=view&prop=Topic&cat=10010